
Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Today I would like to share the latest article written by Bro. Bo Sanchez. It inspires me a lot, from the very title, to the content of the article, up to his ending story.

One may really wonder how to have not enough is good. How is it possible to say it is good when you feel you are lacking of something. From mans point of view it’s the other way around. Good is never enough for man, because we, humans, always want more. Agree or disagree? But for God if we don’t have enough, that’s the best. That’s good enough, because that is the time that we seek for more of His help and His guidance. If we have more than enough the tendency is we rely much on our own and we may forget God. “They might think that they had won by themselves...” (Judges 7:2) True enough, I have been a witness into such many occasions that an individual claims the victory for himself. And in those times of glory, God has been sidelined.

I would like to take Manny Pacquiao as an example. There are so many lessons that we can learn from him but I would like to focus on three lessons only.

The first lesson is found in his character. One of the best character that Manny Pacquiao has is he is not controlled by his fear. For sure Manny Pacquiao also must have felt fear. That is normal as a human being. But as we can see, he is not afraid to face his opponent in the ring no matter how big is that opponent is because he is in control of his fear.

The second lesson is whenever he wins his bout, he never forgot to give credit to God, almost immediately, right after the fight, while he is still catching his breath. Of course there are a lot of supporters that he needs to thank but he gives back the gratitude to God first.

The third lesson is he is confident that God is with him. Manny Pacquiao didn’t start his boxing career as a big time. We are familiar of that the humble training gym that has been featured many times to show where Manny trained as he is starting his career in boxing. Did it ever went into Manny’s mind whether he had a chance to get even a single championship belt at that time? For sure it went on his mind. And it didn’t stop him from training even with the knowledge that there are already big names in the boxing world. He knows he is not alone. He is confident that God is with him.

No wonder Manny Pacquiao is successful in his boxing career. Of course we can always say that Manny Pacquiao trains very hard that’s why he is successful. No need to contest on that aspect. But the thing is as I have stated above that being in control of his fear, giving credits to God for his achievements and being confident that God is with him really makes the difference.

Control your fear.

Being fearful is normal. All human being feels that way. If you don’t feel fear, I may say you are not human or something is wrong with you.

How many times that you had felt that fear inside of you? Are you in control of your fear or this fear is controlling you?

I, myself, experience fear in many aspect of my life and one of them is my fear in writing. I am afraid that I may not be able to write as good as the other bloggers. True enough there are a lot of bloggers who are far better than me. But if I will let my fear to overcome me then I won’t be able to contribute my idea in blogging. I can never succeed in blogging if I will let this fear controls me. I somehow need to control my fear.

There had been a lot of times that I had procrastinated on so many things that I wanted to do. But if I kept on holding back, I can’t accomplish anything at all.

How do then I overcome this fear inside of me?

I applied one of the idea of Robert Kiyosaki in his book the “Cashflow Quadrant.” Take baby steps. Sounds simple isn’t it? Yes very simple idea but the long term effect is enormous. By taking baby steps means that I am taking cautions. Once I master the baby steps then that is the time that I start learning how to walk but I don’t run yet. I need to be patient. Actually, I am tempted to try to run every time I had learned how to balance myself. The end result for that is I stumble and fall. Then I become fearful again. I have to remind myself again and again, not to take the short cuts. By taking the short cuts I am are just making failure a favor to materialize easier and earlier on me.

So remember, take baby steps, then after a while, walk and not long after that, you can run to your victory. And by the next time you feel fear about the big task ahead of you, just take baby steps first. It works on me, I’m sure it will work on you too.

Give credits to God.

We always say or heard that without God we are nothing. When I was in high school, a friend of mine ask me what does the word “CHRISTIAN” mean. I told him, Christian means the one who follows Christ. He then asked me another question. What if you remove the Christ from the word Christian, what would it mean by then? I was not able to answer him and he explained to me, “CHRISTIAN without Christ means I Am Nothing.” True enough, without God we are nothing. That is why it is very important that we give recognition to God in every accomplishment that we achieve. Whether it is a small achievement or big achievement don’t forget to give God His due credit. Everything that we own comes from Him. There is nothing, absolutely nothing that we can do without His intervention. If we can manage to completely do everything without God, then there is no need for us to pray to Him. The very reason that we kept on praying to God means we are asking for His support, it is therefore a rightful act to give Him back the credits. If someone had done you even a small favor you didn’t fail to say “thank you” to that person, how much more to God your creator.

Be confident, God is with you.

MIZPAH. I not only love this word, I usually use this word as my ending greeting when I write my love letter for my wife. But because of the advent of the internet I rarely write letters of love to my wife nowadays. My old email address has this word as my signature greeting as well. Mizpah means God watches between you and me whenever we are far from each other. With this word alone, I am confident that God is with us, wherever I, my wife and my family are.

The very reason why we feel fear is because we feel that we are alone and we feel that something is lacking. And that usually leads to a loss of our self-confidence. But actually we are not alone. We may not be aware of it. But during those times, God comes in and fill us up. That is called Heavenly intervention. For the not so religiously inclined I will call it adrenalin rush. That is the time that we had done what is seems to be impossible. And we are proud of that accomplishment but don’t forget there is Someone up there that we need to give thanks to. Have a wonderful day.

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